
Saturday 12 March 2011

Shame less Self Promotion

Hi All,
Was just thinking that i probably should promote my other blog to for this blog will mainly be about research and things im looking at.

Go over to this site for viewings of my actual work
It's mainly because photos on this site don't upload that great.


Thursday 10 March 2011

My Contribution to the wall.
A general feel of how big the Comic was.
Towards the end the story got a bit silly to say the least.

Finally managed to get the pictures uploaded from the giant comic on Tuesday. Once again was really good fun.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Wednesday of Creative Futures

Today was probably the most interesting day so far, Both for the future plans wise and financial care wise

Getting work Experience

This was a really good talk about getting into work experience, placements and the possible chance to work abroad. Given to us by Lucy Jones and Jane Trudgill,  they talked to use about all things that could go on during academic learning and graduating.  The first i thought sounded like a real opportunity to get a proverbial foot in the door  that was looking at getting placements with a company etc... This sounded really handy and also something that could be done over the long summer period where not much happens also you could potentially get paid for it... Bonus. The next was about Working abroad for up to 13 weeks at the moment i think as it stands its only for Graduates but they said they were talking about making it for people still in learning. And well as i kept annoying my friends with i want to go to Barcelona to study.. Even though France has an amasing scene for comics i wouldn't mind going there to.

Professional Development

This was a talk from Jonathon Edwards an Illustrator / toymaker i guess now.  This was mainly him talking about the different ventures your work could possibly take you, from illustrations in magazines to making furry toys that end up being displayed in Selfridges window display in the middle of Oxford St (not to shabby.) Overall another interesting talk that pretty much states is good to have your name out there on the web some where and often alot of luck doesn't go a miss to.

Computer games - Concept art and Illustration in the entertainment Industry

Another very good talk from a very talented artist Mr Lee Carter i thought. Being shown everything that he has done he has truly inspired me to get on an try to master Photoshop because once you do you can get some truly good looking work come of iti think this mainly inspired me because like myself when he started out he had never used photoshop and now 17 years later he can 3D model make and produce things that go into the Well reknown SFX magazine... Not to shabby again.

HMRC - Working Freelance and keeping the taxman on side!

A very interesting talk given to someone who did not deserve to be in such a small room with such a loud voice this was Mr Andrew Gardner.  This was interesting to find out all the things you must be weary of when you wish to become Freelance or own your own business.

As i said a very interesting day that i have taken a lot from. Overall 100% more interesting then last years. 

Tuesday of Creative Futures

Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels

This day being a graphic novelist was probably the most fun yet.  The Talk was given by the very highly known Paul Gravett and his talk was mainly about the state of the comics industry as it stands at the moment. Now this is such a huge subject and most of us think he clearly didnt have enough time to Divulge thoroughly, Which is such a shame because he had a lot of knowledge and well could of easily sat there for a few hours listening pick up artist after artist to look at.  Honestly it was ridiculous the amount of names i took out of that Talk to go and look at.  But yeah such a shame he wasn't given more time but still very interesting talk.  

Later that day we missed boring lectures to Join Paul Gravett and Dan Berry to Draw a giant comic on the uni wall, this was such fun coming up with stories that are taken from the central theme. Very much based from the idea here  

This is a crazy comic that has so many varients to the main story and to try to replicate something like this was a joy to work on.

(pictures of it are coming when the site allows me to upload them) 

Monday of Creative Futures.

So it is that time again of the year when we have a Creative Futures week. This is when the University gets a wide range of speakers in who are professionals in their field, and we sit there in awe and pretty much wish to become them some day.

The first talk that We all had to go to was the opening Speech his was pretty much showing us figures about artists and their employment and the soon opening of the new Building, which does sound really intriguing and i personally can't wait to have a nosy around and see which new facilities i can get my hands on. Not that interesting in my opinion but it was the welcome and laying the criteria out for the first years who had not done this before.

"Passions and a Passport"
Next up was a talk from the very talented and very experienced Animator named Barry Purves. If you haven't seen his stuff before I urge you to check out his Complete works of Shakespeare in 5minutes animation really great.  Here he talked about many of his influences which was a very wide range of mediums from Puppets to Dance and even Theatre. This all helped towards movement and knowledge of the body which is something i found quite interesting as i like to draw quite figurative work and it was good to see from where you could get inspiration I do honestly which my recorder had come through so i could remember a lot more.  A very pleasant man to listen to and i took a lot out of it. 

"From commercials to feature films: Life as a professional animator"
This was the next Talk i chose to attend after lunch, Although i am mainly an illustrator i have always liked 2D animation the thought of your drawings coming to life and moving around sounds really appealing. Que a talk from someone with relative experience in this Harriet Buckley who originally started off as an Illustrator and branched off into 2D animation.  This was quite interesting to hear of the Different Jobs that go towards making a feature film in this case Harriet worked on the animated film 'The Illusionist.' With a company called INK Digital a company based in Scotland. With this company they had several projects, one which included working with the Scottish Government to reduce knife crime. To be honest this wasn't to relative to what i want to do but it was interesting to hear and it could be a possible career path for me in the future.

Showreel, portfolio and CV: advice for finding work.
This was a talk given to us by Harriet Buckley again and was giving us advice on what to show in CV's aiming them towards possible employers and if you're an animator what to put in your showreel.

Over all this day although not relevant had its moments and i took something from each talk.